Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Bull trout blues

Lake trout are in the process of destroying another Montana bull trout fishery, this time in Swan Lake.


Bill Watt said...

Dusting off my old Freshwater Fishery Biology textbook I'm reminded of a sampling technique called the "DeLury regression method." It's a method based on the concept of a reduction in the catch per unit effort as a result of diminution of the population by the fishing. In other words, fish the stinking lakers until you can't find any more of them, then plot the results to see how many you killed.

What a stupid idea to expend all that netting effort (read: angler dollars) and not kill the bastards in the first place. It isn't like we don't already know how damaging they can be and who cares how many there are. Just kill them!!

Rob said...

I agree. I'm sure the netted lake trout will provide plenty of information about numbers, without having to measure recatch rates. If there's any hope of keeping the bull trout population viable, any lake trout caught should be killed.